An Epic Mission

As it is written: ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him’…” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

I recently preached a sermon entitled An Epic Mission. I came across this article written by Dean Trune and thought it would be a fitting conclusion or should I say reminder…

Focusing on intimacy with God and seeking a passion for Him does not release us from loving people the way God loves people. But when we pursue God passionately, we will be empowered to love people in healthy, God-centered ways and we will make a great impact through our public lives. Without developing intimacy with God, we will impact our public environment in mediocre ways, depending upon our own strength, our own plans, our own love, and our own wisdom. We serve a powerful God who desires intimacy with us. Together we can “win” the world, but only through His plans, His strength, His love, and His wisdom. Passion is required. We have no other options if this world is to be reached for Jesus!

–Taken from The Path Toward Passion (Nine Disciplines that Connect Your Heart to God’s) by Dean Trune.

OK church let’s get on with our epic mission to exalt the great name of Jesus by passionately loving God and loving people!!!

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